Vedic Astrology & Āyurveda Coastal Retreat

Experience The Lost Soul & Food Remedies Of Jyotiṣa Śāstra


Vidya Institute Is Delighted To Present

Vedic Astrology & Ayurveda Coastal Retreat

Experience The Lost Soul & Food Remedies Of Jyotiṣa Śāstra


Featuring Guided Iyengar Yoga Āsana & Prāṇāyāma Classes with Gloria Goldberg CIYT-IV


Teachings On Jyotiṣa Food Upāya & Mantra Sādhanā with Gitte Bechsgaard  RP Ph.D. CIYT-III 



Somatheeram Ayurvedic Spa & Resort, Somatheeram Beach, Kerala, India 
09/10/2025 – 09/24/2025



“The body is your temple. 

Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in”


B.K.S. Iyengar




The great sages (ṛṣi) of the Yoga Tradition have long been known for their seemingly superhuman achievements.



A living embodiment of the unbelievable capacities of body and mind. 



Yet the great masters only work deeply with their bodies out of necessity, to aid their  journeys to higher states of consciousness. 



The body was viewed as the Temple of the Spirit



As Yoga Master Śrī B.K.S Iyengar once wrote wrote:



“Without a body, it is impossible to see God. The body has to undergo some training in order to be an effectual help to reach the highest goal : Ātmadarśana (Self realization). For that you need a sound and strong body.”



The ancient Vedic sister disciplines of Yoga and āyurveda were both cultivated to gift sādhaka with longevity of body and mind, because vitality simply enables you to better fulfill your dharma.


After the long slumber of these Vedic Sister Sciences under colonial rule, BKS Iyengar’s work helped revive the traditions of yoga asana & prāṇāyāma. 



Likewise, doctors and scholars of āyurveda have revitalized its ancient medical and preventative healing practices. Today, many Universities worldwide actively engage in new efforts to better understand the benefits of āyurvedic approaches, through the precision of our modern lens. 



For many years I’ve dreamed of bringing together the long forgotten soul and dietary medicines of Vedic Astrology in active integration with Yoga and āyurveda.



But elite āyurvedic institutions in India are sometimes quite hospital-like, focused on the clinical pillars of āyurvedic Medicine. 



In the years spent in the vicinity of my Jyotiṣa Gurū Sri Krishan Mantriji he shared generously about the deep connections between Jyotiṣa and Ayurveda. 



Amongst many Jyotiṣa teachings, he taught me about food and dietary upāyas for the vitality of body and soul.



This teaching was viewed partly through the lens of one’s Sun-sign and Ascendant in the Jātaka horoscope (birth horoscope).



We spent many years in search of the right āyurvedic getaway for a dedicated group of Yogis and sādhakas



One with a Sattvik and serene healing atmosphere. 



Not just an Ayurvedic Hospital nor a simple retreat center, but an all encompassing Yoga & Ayurveda experience.



Once Gloria and I were guided to India’s longest operating Ayurvedic retreat center, on Kerala’s Kovalam Coast, it became clear this was our long sought oasis. 



A Yoga, Ayurveda, & Integrative Healing Retreat location like no other. 



Featuring classical Ayurvedic spa treatments, herbal oil massage, abhyaṅga & Śirodharā , and more. 



2 hours of classical āyurvedic massage and treatment time pre-reserved each day for every participant. 



Applied with precision and expertise by 2 practitioners under the supervision of your experienced Ayurvedic Doctor. 



Each day these healing treatment modalities are adjusted after close discussion, examination, and follow up with the āyurvedic doctor. 



3 hours daily of lecture, mantra, asana & prāṇāyāma classes in the tranquil yoga & study hall nestled in nature. 



The space enables centered reflection, retention, and a highly cultivated environment to effortlessly integrate new wisdom with practice. 



There’s no better and more sattvik place for us to come together and finally navigate Śrī Krishan Mantriji’s teachings on the Vedic Astrology of Soul Foods. 



An authentic experience of Ayurveda while you engage in personal constitutional discovery, through the Vedic Sister Sciences of Jyotiṣa, Ayurveda & Yoga.



15 Days & Nights of Scripture, Philosophy, and Practice. 



In a pristine ecological environment to rest, heal, purify and reinvigorate. 



A few dozen comfortable cottages nestled among the lush tropical foothills overlooking the Arabian sea. 



Every concievable detail tailored to your needs, as you’re followed closely by 2 leading Ayurvedic doctors, expertly guiding you through a 15 day detoxification and rejuvenation protocol.



In the retreat center, the pair of practitioners assigned to you utilize a vast array of different herbs, oils, steams, tinctures, and techniques under the supervision of one of your āyurvedic doctors. 



Not simply applied on a fixed schedule, treatments are customized to your health history and your daily state of mind and body. 



Locally sourced āyurvedic herbs are used in your prescribed medicines, the abhyaṅga and massage methods & Śirodharā sessions. 



Tinctures are crafted on-site by the same experienced ayurvedic doctors following you closely each day. In spite of the local supply chain, Somatheeram’s herbal remedies, oils, and treatments undergo rigorous 3rd party lab testing and are regulated by the state government under the strict controls Kerala maintains as India’s capital of Ayurveda. 



Join a passionate and dedicated group of fellow yoga teachers, practitioners and sādhaka in tropical South India for this unique and immersive experience of the Jyotiṣa soul foods, Iyengar Yoga, and Holistic Ayurvedic healing. 



2 Weeks Of True Intensive Transformation. 



Of Expertly-Guided Herbal Healing.



Of Ancient Massage & Oil Treatments.



Of unique culinary experiences tailored to your physiology.



With the guidance to tailor such choices to your spirit, through the forgotten Jyotiṣa teachings of the soul’s optimal foods and vitalizing upāya.



An opportunity to experience a metamorphosis from one state of the body-mind to another higher, more refined state of spiritualization.



In a sacred setting of pristine natural beauty.


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