[Semester #2] Tantra Yoga & The 10 Mahavidyas

Explore The Wisdom Mythologies of Femininity

Vidya Institute Is Delighted To Present Semester #2 Of


Tantra Yoga & The 10 Mahavidyas


Explore The Wisdom Mythologies of Femininity 


Hosted Live Online With Gitte Bechsgaard RP Ph.D. CIYT-III





“Practice (prayoga) is the instrument of liberation”


 – Vina Shikha Tantra





Thousands of years ago, a new style of spirituality was initiated by the masters of the Tantras. 




A never before seen set of teachings dedicated to the Feminine principle – called Shakti. 




The unifying element of all these texts, teachings, and schools of Tantra was the attention they paid to the Feminine principle; long referred to as




Devi: The Shining One.



And yet this spiritual study was not of femininity solely in isolation.




Its close connection with the masculine, or Shiva principle, was considered to have just as fundamental a value.




In the body-mind, Devi is discovered within the coiled power of the Kundalini Shakti. 




The key to awaken this Shakti lies at the heart of Tantra.




According to some schools of Tantra the Goddess manifests in 10 forms; known as the Great Wisdom goddesses – Maha Vidyas. 




Above all, the greatest archetype of the goddess is as the Mother of the Universe. 




The MahaVidyas emerge from the Tantric spiritual tradition most fundamentally as a representation of embodied spirituality. 




These Wisdom goddesses represent a wide variety of concepts, experienced through the lens of the feminine Divine. 




Some represent the fierce and mind-shattering Goddess.




Others represent the beauty and graceful aspect of the Feminine divine. 




And yet, all 10 forms of the Mahavidyas, whether gentle or fierce, are worshiped as the Universal Mother.



They’re understood as symbols of the stage of consciousness experienced.




Or even certain forms of perfection, wisdom, or blessing.




Tantra’s radical approach to spirituality is captured by the very definition of the term Tantra




This Sanskrit word is derived from the root ‘tan’ which means to extend and spread out. And the second part ‘tra’ relates to freeing the mind. 




Often interpreted as a teaching or Life-philosophy that broadens all understanding to the point where profound wisdom arises. 




And without wisdom, there can be no genuine awakening.




According to Tantra, Awakening is not a matter of leaving the world nor of denying your body. Rather instead you enable the higher Spiritual Reality to transform your bodily existence. 




At first, it can be difficult to see how Tantra is an intensely practical tradition. 




Yet eventually you come to understand that it is, above all, a practice of direct realization:




Often called Sadhana. 




The core theme of Tantra Yoga is the integration of the self with the Spiritual Self. 




Your bodily existence with the Spiritual Reality.




Essentially, Tantra represents a more practical and embodied orientation that helps you to integrate higher metaphysical ideals with down-to-earth practices to live a Spiritual life.




The approaches taken in the Tantric tradition are characterized by a rich array of rituals, placing particular focus on: 



  • Purification Sadhanas For Body & Mind (Bhuta Shuddhi)



  • Sanskrit Mantra Recitation



  • A Process of Visualization



  • Specific Meditations – dhyana



Our team is delighted to announce the second semester of Tantra Yoga & The 10 Mahavidyas, Vidya Institute’s first-ever course exploring the philosophies & practices of the Tantric tradition.



During the summer & fall intensives of this second semester, you’ll once again join together with a group of dedicated yoga teachers, practitioners, and sadhakas for practical lessons in tantric philosophy & scripture lectures in integration with guided mantra chanting and tantric Sadhanas.  



You’ll complete your foundational exploration of the philosophy of Tantra Yoga you began this spring. 




And complete the foundations of your integrative understanding of key concepts in the yogic & tantric traditions.




And their archetypal representations through the 10 Mythical Mahavidyas. 




In addition to your examination of the remaining principles of Tantra Yoga, you’ll study 8 of the remaining Wisdom Goddesses (Maha Vidyas) in great detail during Semester 2’s workshops. 




Workshop Number 1 Will Explore The Philosophies & Practices Represented By: 



  • Bhuvanesvari: “The Mistress of Speech” (Rudrayamala Tantra)



  • Matangi: “The Goddess of Magical or Psychic Powers”



  • Bhairavi: “The Goddess of The Black Night“ (Kala Ratri)



  • Bagalamukhi: “The Controller of Vital Breath & Intelligent Speech”



  • Kali: “She Who Is Knowledge of The Self”



  • Tripura Sundari: ”The Quintessence of Auspiciousness & Beauty”



Workshop Number 2 Finalizes The Teachings Through The Archetypes & Practices Of: 



  • Kamala: “The Goddess of Good Luck, Love, and Prosperity” (Laksmi)



  • Tara: “The Great Liberator”



  • Chinnamasta: “She who bestows the Yogic Path” (Yoga Marga pradayini)



  • Dhumavati: “She who is outside and beyond time and space”



As always, your exploration will be in accordance with Sri Krishan Mantriji’s teachings and BKS Iyengar’s commentaries. 




During this semester’s separate 4 day long intensives, the pieces really begin to come together as you complete the foundational teachings of the tantric scriptures. 




And as you come to truly understand the hidden themes of the remaining Mahavidyas. 




Since two of the most esoteric Goddess Festivals of the Tantric Tradition take place in October and November, the teachings of Semester 2 are segmented in a way that facilitates a preparation for both the Navaratri and the later Diwali festival. 




Both the lecture material as well as Mantra Sadhana practices will be consciously presented so as to give those interested a sufficient preparatory period.

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