Return to course: [Dharma Talks] Maintaining The Soul’s Journey In Crisis: Understanding The COVID-19 Pandemic And How Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtras & The Jyotish Of The Sky Can Reveal The Path
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[Dharma Talks] Maintaining The Soul’s Journey In Crisis: Understanding The COVID-19 Pandemic And How Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtras & The Jyotish Of The Sky Can Reveal The Path
Introduction to Jyotish and Dharma Talks
Major Astrological Shifts in March, 2020
COVID-19: The Role of Shadow Planets (Rahu & Ketu) in the Crisis We Are Facing
Mula Nakshatra (the Star Constellation of “Roots” and “Rootedness”: Staying Grounded
A Blazing Transit of Mars-Saturn: the Yama Yoga of Vedic Astrology (March 22-May 4)
Dharma Talk: Tapas and the Threefold Yaugika Discipline
Ardra Nakshatra (Śiva’s Nakshatra): The Radical Storms of Transformation
Dharma Talk: Śiva and Protective Mantra Sādhanā: The “Mahā Mṛtyuñjaya Mantra”
Saturn’s Transit in Uttarāshada’s Nakshatra: The Nakshatra of Ganesh and the 10 Viśva-Devas. (January 24, 2020- December, 2020)
Saturn’s Transit in the Constellation of Capricorn: A Strict Teacher
Dharma Talk: The Viśva Devas: Taking the 10 Virtues for Support
Dharma Talk: The Quest for Virtues in Yoga
Dharma Talk: Following the Lead of the 10 Viśva-Devas
Dharma Talk: Prayers for All Beings and Seeking Protection From the Three Sources of Suffering (Duhkha)
Inviting the Protective Graces of Jupiter and Venus: Sattvification in Life and Practice
Dharma Talk: The Role of Sattvic Invocations in Morning Sādhanā: Three Traditional Categories of Prayer (Guru prayers * Patañjali invocation* Gayatri mantra or Iṣṭadevata Mantra)
Dharma Talk: “Atha Yoga-Anuśāsanam”: Seeking Inner Anchoring and Mindfulness
Dharma Talk: The Role of Sattvic Invocations in Morning Sādhanā: Three Traditional Categories of Prayer (Guru prayers * Patañjali invocation* Gayatri mantra or Iṣṭadevata Mantra)
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